Sunday, April 20, 2014

Why I brew what I do.

It didn't take me long to come to the conclusion that I will never be a professional craft brewer. Like most home brewers, I have many people tell me I should drop everything and take the craft beer plunge, find some investors, and open my own brewery or brew pub. I have many friends that are professional craft brewers and they seem to enjoy the adventure. Honestly, the business side of it interests me, but the overall level of effort to run and maintain a brewery just doesn't do it for me. I may dive into this conversation in a later post.

I have a good job that supports our United States Military. I make good money that allows me to create home brews using quality ingredients and equipment. More importantly, I can brew what I want, when I want. I can take a risk on a batch and only lose what I spent on making the batch. If it falls short of expectations, it will be a house beer that may never be shared outside of my circle of friends. If the beer is amazing, I will serve it to the masses at Craft Brew Festivals with folks like the Regional Harrisburg Area Brewers (ReHAB) and enjoy the praises and conversations that come after that first incredible sip or gulp from the patrons.

I home brew because it allows me to express myself. It allows me to play with plumbing, heat, and inventing stuff to brew better. I also brew because I hate being bored...and therefore I clean...a lot! I read about brewing a lot, and I work on recipes a lot (although I don't believe recipes make the beer...the process does). Again, I will dive into this topic in a later post as well.

So...being my first post, I hope you enjoy the information I share on this site. I hope to continue to grow with my home brewery in the coming months, and push the limits of the beers capable of being brewed my amateur brewers. I plan to document this journey on this site.

Cheers, Prost, or whatever you chant when you lift a frothy glass of amazing home brewed beer!

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